Get Ready to Derby!
The Root River Rollers of Racine, WI are dedicated to promoting the health and strength of women from ALL walks of life through women's flat track roller derby! When we aren’t practicing or competing against other teams you can find us at community events, holding skating boot camps, and enjoying time together as a derby family. We strive to promote growth and support within our team and community by volunteering our time and energy as often as possible and promoting local businesses. As a proud inclusive team, we encourage anyone who wishes to be part of the exciting sport of roller derby to contact us today! If you have ever wanted to be a skater, referee, sponsor, volunteer, or fan, talk to us at our next bout or contact us through our Facebook.
Want to get involved on or off skates? Join our
Interested Members Facebook Group
for more information!
Meet your Root River Rollers
Annarchy #42
Babe Butcher #18
Cash Me Outside #354
Castor Bean #33
Cherry Bomb #69
Cinnamon Styx #36
Claire and Present Danger #52
Divine Miss Em #619
Domino #21
Fire, Ready, Aim #515
Furiosa #9
Hella DeVil #101
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang #5514
Mammary Lane #00
Marilyn Monroller #24
Mystique #13
Nancy Raygun #28
O'Doyle Rules #42
Oddity #31
Rachael Rabies #3
Red Reaper #34
Scary Gary #242
Shove #15
Sid-Vicious #22
Spin Diesel #17
Stitches #19
Meet your Root River Roller Refs, NSOs and Coaches!
Fig and Berries
Erin not Aaron
Mama Diesel
Fitness Coach
Highway to Shell
Holly Hatchet